The Lord Lifted Up


Bob Jones & Keith Davis

The following is a portion of the visions and revelations given through the 1996 Shepherd’s Rod. These messages were preserved on tape but just now put in written form. The spiritual truth in it helps to highlight the issues that will enable us to attain our high calling and walk intimately with Him. That is indeed our prayer…

In the following portion of the vision, Bob saw the Lord high and lifted up on the cross. He could actually view the Lord’s battered face and the insufferable brutality inflicted upon Him. His brow was so badly battered that one could actually see His skull. His face was horribly marred beyond recognition. His chin was gashed open with blood freely flowing from it and His eyes were coated in blood from the crown of thorns.

The crown of thorns seemed to depict something quite significant; it reminds us that He has freed us from the law and releases us into grace. It was written in the Old Testament that we would eat our bread by the sweat of our brow. Thanks be to God we now have abundant grace that allows us to live according to His statutes by the impartation of His strength. The thorns were excruciatingly painful for the Lord; yet He gladly paid this price on our behalf.

It was evident the grief and pain was almost unbearable for His natural body. In the vision, Bob actually saw the Lord lifting His head in this condition and crying out, “Father, forgive them”. This seemed to indicate a release of great grace for forgiveness during the coming season. As we come to the Lord in a true heart of repentance, abundant grace will be provided to forgive us our past sins and position us on a path of righteousness.

It will also be a time for believers to forgive the many ways we have mistreated and offended one another. Many have given lip service and expressed forgiveness, yet continued to embody unresolved anger in their spirits, resulting in a veil over their soul distorting their view of the Lord. If we will embrace it, we will find great grace for the forgiveness of others and obtain forgiveness for ourselves.

This portion of the visions also depicted notable deliverance for those who will come to the cross and accept the great sacrifice the Lord made in their behalf. His beaten and battered body was clearly depicted to illustrate the freedom we can have in Him through faith. Deliverance ministries will now begin to find a greater grace to set people free from the addictions and afflictions of the enemy. However, forgiveness will continue to be a central theme essential for the release of this freedom and liberty.

If we truly express forgiveness it should be the reflection of our inner conviction laying a foundation for the divine love essential for end-time ministry. The Lord is calling for the “worst of saints” to become the “best of saints” through the embracing of the cross. Some who were the greatest enemies of the cross will now become its greatest ambassadors.

There is a great need for corporate repentance for our sins and those of our spiritual father’s. Forgiveness will lay the foundation for this divinely granted repentance. No matter how terribly we have been wronged, it cannot compare with the injustice placed upon the Lord and His sufferings on the cross. If we can fathom and comprehend that reality, it will make our ability to forgive much easier. None of us have experienced the injustice the Lord did. Therefore we should freely forgive those who have abused us and despitefully used us, and even bless them by the Spirit.

So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. (Colossians 3:12-13)

When we ask the Father to forgive those who have wronged us from a heart of sincerity, it releases them from that judgement and opens the corridor for spiritual blessings. As we do this, we will then begin to take on the divine nature and holy character of Christ that He reflected for us on the cross. Words are inadequate to suitably describe the horrible sufferings and brutality inflicted upon the Lord at Golgotha. In seasons of prayer and worship many will begin to receive visions and images of the Lord’s terrible suffering.

As this occurs, many of the nervous and emotional problems presently in the church will begin to dissipate through forgiveness and releasing unresolved anger.

Pray, then, in this way: “Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

As we embrace the principles of forgiveness, we will also begin to manifest His kingdom in the earth. His kingdom will come and His will done on the earth as it is in heaven through the impartation of His divine attributes. When we forgive others their trespasses against us we will likewise receive the forgiveness of our own. Many of the anointed teachers will discover great insights in the Lord’s Prayer and impart it to the body in the coming season. This will become reality through the expression of its truth actually manifested in the people. It will not merely be the recital of words, but the expression of sincere hearts.

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