No Margin For Error! We Must Get It Right!



By Bonnie Jones

April 2018

I saw a TV screen and the letters of the message were enlarged. They read “NO MARGIN FOR ERROR! WE MUST GET IT RIGHT!”

The Lord says, “Be watchful because the days and hours are shortened and there is no time for delays. My arm is not shortened though. I’m here in this day and in this hour to get the job done through My saints who are willing to hear and obey.”  The Lord showed me that there are seasons and times and in this season He’s consecrating His saints and bringing them to their knees so they are clean and ready for commissioning. It’s a time of repentance and humbling in His saints. He said, “There’s a new day dawning and they must be ready to deliver My word in season. The season of the basilisk is approaching and he’s coming in a fury this year. If My saints are not prepared they shall perish.”


Dream of Scorpions and Serpents

In this dream I’m walking along a path in a desert. In my hand I’m holding a small plain white paper cup with something inside that looks like grits. I began stirring it with my spoon and then eating it. I took a couple bites and as I began to stir again I noticed something crawling in the cup. Scorpions! And they seemed to multiply. Immediately I poured the remaining contents on the path and squished all of them with my feet. (Genesis 3:15) I was surprised because this was a small cup, like a Dixie cup. However when these scorpions came out, immediately they increased in size. In fact a couple were big and fat and they looked at me and sneered. But they were easy to kill as I stepped on each one.
Then I walked a little farther and behold a beautiful clear stream of water flowing in the desert. (Psalms 107:35) As I neared this beautiful stream I realized there were snakes dangling from their tails from the nearby handrails. These were beautiful colorful serpents of various sizes and were spread out a long distance alongside the stream. They were not in a cluster and I could see each one up close. Their heads were mostly iridescent blue with yellow running through it. I was not afraid of them but I was cautious as I observed them. They were not on the ground so I couldn’t step on them and I did not have a hand tool that I could kill them. I found it interesting that they were not on the ground nor were they trying to go near the water. They were simply hanging by their tails and observing everything.

He turns a wilderness into pools of water, and dry land into water springs. (Psalms 107:35)


Interpretation of the Dream

Then the Lord said,  “The scorpion delivers a deadly sting. There are many who will be affected because they have not heeded My warnings and cannot discern. The serpent is beautiful and a great deceiver. My body has not prepared itself to discern good from evil. The devil is coming to kill, steal and destroy. Some are not looking beyond the end of their nose and therefore many are deceived. Warn them for Me! Tell them life and death is in their tongue, discern and destroy the works of the enemy with their words and move on.

“The devil is an ancient deceiver and comes in the beauty of their holiness. You see as My people begin to move into true holiness their guard will be down and this is where they shall become deceived. They shall think it’s Me yet the sting of death shall attach itself to them to pull their holiness from the temple I’ve prepared in them. Discernment is the greatest key in this hour. Pass this message on to My people. Amen.”


Bonnie’s Commentary

Holiness is Satan’s greatest trophy.

Through consecration the body of Christ has become the holy temple of God. Each born again saint has the same opportunity through intimate relationship with the Father.  In the mid 80’s, in a trance like state, Bob was taken into the second heaven where he saw many of the trophies Satan stole from the church. They were victories because Satan was able to deceive the saints and all these things had become Satan’s trophies that would glorify him instead of God. Bob saw that the greatest trophy of all was holiness. It was a scroll on the wall and written on it were ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. When he had it interpreted it read, “The Lord thy God is holy, be thou holy.” (Lev. 19:2) That’s a commandment from the Father. Holiness means coming into maturity so the Father can release gifts to the mature Christian.
I believe scorpions are coming to the body of Christ to deliver a deadly sting and disable believers who are not discerning by the Holy Spirit. I believe that as true holiness is being restored to the body of Christ in this hour, the devil will send his very elect to distract, disable and eventually destroy this movement if the saints are not on guard.

You see the scorpions were easily crushed under my feet although they were mocking and sneering they were only a precursor for the main event. However these snakes were hanging on handrails by their “tales.” I see it this way; they are looking for each and every opportunity we give them by the words we speak. The Lord said, “Warn them for Me! Tell them life and death is in their tongue, discern and destroy the works of the enemy with their words and move on.” These snakes couldn’t enter the water because it is holy and reserved for God’s saints. The enemy can’t trespass without our permission. But he’s attaching himself to something (handrail) mankind would use for stability. The saints must use godly discernment to know what is of God and what is of Satan. Saints must stand firm on the solid Rock and not rely on anything superficial.


Great Deception


Just like there was great deception in the Garden of Eden so shall deception be great in the earth in this day.  Today we must be wise not to entertain the wiles of the enemy. These serpents were beautiful and so was the one who spoke to Eve. Did God say? Today that ancient deceiver is going to be asking the body of Christ the same question. God’s greatest trophy “Holiness” was stolen in the Garden of Eden and it’s been Satan’s greatest victory.  It’s taken all this time to re-establish holiness in God’s saints. “The Lord thy God is holy, be thou holy” (Lev. 19:2) must be written upon our foreheads, in our hearts and proceed from our mouths at all times to defeat the devil at every corner. The saints have taken hold of the corner of this precious scroll and must continue to pull it down. It must be fully recovered and that’s why Satan is waging war against the saints. He doesn’t want to lose it.


The Marking of Lucifer

As I observed the serpents there was one that stood out from among the rest. He had a longer, sleeker body and was more magnificent in color. I knew not to make eye contact with him because he could bewitch or mesmerize his prey. He was iridescent blue so I knew he had revelation gifts yet the yellow streak indicated his cowardly nature. Was not Lucifer the same way? Ezekiel 28:12 & 13 states that “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering. These cowards know not the blood of Jesus and deception is their highest order. I’m sorry to say but there are many who are coming in the name of the Lord yet they do not know Him and are leading many astray. The body of Christ must pray for discernment and be on guard of the enemy’s tactics. Godly wisdom and discernment go hand in hand. Jesus warned that even the elect would be deceived.

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, He is there!’ do not believe it.  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand. (Mark 13:21-23)


The Season of the Basilisk

July 1 through July 22 marks the season of the basilisk this year and the Lord says he’s coming in a fury. In scripture Basilisk is sometimes translated “cockatrice” or “adder” and is found in Isaiah 14:29, Proverbs 23:32 Jeremiah 8:17 and Psalms 91:13.
Basilisk is the exemplification of the devil himself whose primary purpose is death and destruction. The natural physical death resulting from this spirit is derived from plagues, sickness & disease, natural disasters and even terrorism. Its origin can be traced all the way back to ancient Israel. In the mid 1990’s Bob was given several visions of this demonic spirit. In 1997 he saw this spirit was multiplied hundreds of times larger and demonstrates a progressive increase in authority. He saw this spirit was brooding over a nest of eggs desiring periodically to birth wrath and misery in the earth.
They hatch vipers’ eggs and weave the spider’s webs; he who eats of their eggs dies, and from an egg which is crushed a viper breaks out. (Isaiah 59:5)
I believe that we are entering a season of authority. Christ gave us all authority and its up to Christians to use it according to the will of God. Its not a time to back down, no its time to stand on the Word of God and declare it. The only power Satan has is what we give him through our words. Know the Truth of the Word and decree it. Discern good from evil through the Word of God and crush Satan under your feet.
You will tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. (Psalms 91:13)
I believe this nest of eggs Bob saw is hatching and will come to kill, steal and destroy. But the good news is you have the blood of Jesus and he doesn’t. And nothing on earth can stand against it. Nothing! And you shall give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. (Psalms 29:2)
Notes: The full teaching on “Satan’s Trophy Room” is available in the “341” book available Through This Link.
 Also “The Season of the Basilisk” can be read Here In Our Archives.
There’s a more comprehensive ebook version listing both Gregorian and Hebraic calendar dates of the Seasons of the Basilisk through 2050 Available Here.


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  2. Thank you for this word of knowledge. It is much appreciated and I believe you are spot on with this teaching.

  3. Bonnie , thank you for this outstanding word.

  4. Thank you for sharing... I will keep guard! Next month, Israel is celebrating 70 years. The following month, the USA is moving their Embassy to Jerusalem. So much happening in such short amount of time. Will be praying about this prophetic word. Thank you & Greetings from San Diego, CA... Victoria

  5. Oops... meant to say "This month". Many have already celebrated Passover according to the Jewish Calendar. Thank you!


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