You are the Virgin Bride

You are the Virgin Bride


You Are the Virgin Bride 

By Bonnie Jones

January 2023


Reflection of 2022

I’d like to give a quick recap of prophetic revelation from 2022. This was an extraordinary year; it was a year for the sons and daughters of God to arise. Many would come out of the secret place where God hid them for many years. They would come forth and not compromise or retreat. They spent the entire year planting seeds of righteousness and tending the Father’s vineyard. These are sons and daughters who emerged with clean hands and a pure heart. (Psalm 24:4) In that hidden place they learned to walk by faith in forgiveness, thanksgiving and contentment. Above all they developed and walked in mature love. They were not jealous of others but hungered for more intimacy with Christ.
This was a year many were repositioned and recommissioned. Oftentimes it was uncomfortable and very costly. The Lord asked His beloved, “Will you follow Me?” He called them by name to arise and shine! (Isaiah 60:1) It was a time of testing to see who He could trust with Dunamis power. The Lord was looking for a faithful bride, not one who was play acting. His bride has now emerged from the fire of affliction. She has crossed the bridge of time to eternity, the bridge of what was and what will be! Her inheritance is tied to her location. Oftentimes she had to lay down her desires and pick up her cross to follow Him. It was necessary for her to be in the right place at the right time.
The bride has been in a place of preparation for the release of God’s glory. We will see in the coming year a revealing of the lesser-known prophets. Prophecies of Joel, Malachi, Haggai, Amos, Jonah and Zechariah will rapidly begin to unfold. I believe there are lesser-known prophetic voices of today that are also emerging in this season. And their voices will supersede a majority who have been in ministry for many years. As Bob Jones often said, “My ceiling must be the next generation’s floor!” It is now almost nine years since Bob’s homegoing and it’s time for the fruitfulness of his labors to emerge.

The Virgin Bride

Early in the morning the Lord began speaking to me saying, “I have lifted the veil off My bride. I’ve removed all restraints. Now it is the bride who comes forth in purity of heart displaying Kingdom power and authority, dominion and might that I’ve have bestowed to her. There’s no time to linger! says the Lord. I’m coming swiftly in this day and raise My sword over her and release her in power. Power like she’s never imagined. She has desired the day of My visitation and now I shall come and honor those who honor Me.”
In 2022 we witnessed the parable of the ten wise and foolish virgins from Matthew 25. In December 2021 the Lord told me that He was coming to lift the veil off the face of the bride so He could have face to face encounters with her daily. There were many veils the bride placed on herself. Veils of doubt and unbelief, veils of fear especially fear of man, fear of failure and fear of lack. There were veils of past hurts and disappointments. All these veils kept His bride in bondage. However, if she was willing to surrender them to Him, He gently removed them one by one. And she must never place them on herself again.

Multiplication of God’s Glory

And Healing Power

Today the Lord showed me the multiplication of His glory and healing power. He gave me a handful of liquid glory. It was like a hand lotion that I rubbed onto my hands and forearms. But as I did, it multiplied. Immediately I gave some to my friend whose name means “pure one.” As she rubbed it on her hands it continued to increase so much so that she basically bathed herself in it. And I as well! In fact, my entire body was dripping with liquid glory. Each time I would give some to another person, it multiplied abundantly, and it never stopped flowing. The Lord said, “This is multiplication of My glory and healing power. It’s the ministry of multiplication so you must generously give unto others.”
It reminds me of the widow woman in 2 Kings 4. She didn’t run out of oil; she ran out of vats to pour the oil into. But in this day our vats will never run low, nor shall they run out if we continue to share our abundance with others. We’re in the time of harvest and the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the world ever experienced.

Day of Salvation

This is the day of salvation, and we must be ready to give generously to those in need of His visitation. For the Lord is coming to visit His people. To the bride – He’s filling their vats with oil and to the unsaved He’s visiting with the gift of salvation. The bride needs to be ready to swaddle new converts with His glory. Christians can no longer be bench warmers – they must rise to their call and bear arms against the enemy. Then they shall do the greater works they’ve been called to do. This is the power of God’s love through multiplication.
Get ready for the bride of Christ to emerge in power and glory in 2023. Be expectant of great signs, wonders and creative miracles to be a part of the normal Christian lifestyle. For surely it is the time of great harvest, and the bride will glorify her Beloved.

Shepherd’s Rod 2023

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