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Shepherd’s Rod 2019
$ 6.00For many years Bob Jones received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2019 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2019. Topics covered for 2019 include "Repentance", "Parable Of…
Keys Of David
From: $ 8.00Bob's incredible message on the changing of the guard between generations. Search through the scriptures with Bob and find out how this happened in biblical times. Listen to the similarities between Solomon's temple and the modern day Body of Christ. Look at the different representations of the Holy Spirit and giftings. Bob's extensive knowledge of…
New Song of the Bride
$ 8.00There’s a new song the Bride is singing as the Lord highlights scripture and releases the voice of the hidden remnant. Like the prophet Jeremiah, fire will burn in their bones until they release the song of the Lord. In this message Bonnie will challenge you to lift up your voice and sing a new…
What Is Man?
From: $ 8.00Bob teaches about the six natures of man. Three exist in the natural and three in the spiritual which encompass the whole of a person. He also teaches on keeping our conscience clear before God and the levels of conscious cleanliness. Listen to these and other issues that are vitally important to our spiritual growth…
Shepherd’s Rod 2018
$ 6.00For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2018 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2018. Topics covered for 2018 include "Fresh Anointing", "Prepared For The…
Season Of The Basilisk
$ 5.50Over the past several years, considerable revelation has been released to disclose the workings of evil opposition historically and currently in Israel and the Church. The Lord has identified a particular season in the Spirit in which considerable warfare is amplified. This has been known as the Season Of The Basilisk. This unique season has…
Shepherd’s Rod 2007
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2007 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2007. Topics covered for 2007 include "This Is…
Shepherd’s Rod 2003
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2003 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2003. Topics covered for 2003 include "The Central…
Shepherd’s Rod 2020
$ 6.00For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd’s Rod 2020 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2020. Topics covered for 2020 include "Year of…
Shepherd’s Rod 2015
$ 5.00For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2015 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2015. Topics covered for 2015 include "Bob's Clock…
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