- title: title of the block
- items: number of items per page
- category: one or more categories will be shown
- show counter: whether to show the total elements number
- autoplay: autoplay slider(yes/no)
- hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
- order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
- sorting: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- animation: animation slider
- animation delay: animation delay slider
- title: title of the block
- per page: number of items per page
- category: one or more categories will be shown
- show counter: whether to show the total elements number
- hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
- order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
- order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
Shepherd’s Rod 1999
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1999 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1999. Topics covered for 1999 include "Sowing From…
From: $ 6.00Join Bob in this vitally important message for America and the American Church. Listen to the vision of "The Two Eagles" and learn about the role of the American Church in regards to America. Join Bob in this fireside chat as if you are sitting in his own living room. Hear everything described in a…
From: $ 6.00Part of "The Kingdom of Heaven" series, which expounds on modern prophetic parables to provide deeper understanding about the Kingdom of Heaven, it's dynamics and the roles of those in the body of Christ. In "341" Bob and Bonnie draw from a revelation that has been employed since the early 1980's. With fresh insight they…
- per_page: number of items to show
- layout: select the layout of products (default/flip/zoom)
- category: whether to show all or chosen category
- show: the kind of products(all/featured/on_sale)
- order by: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
- order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- hide_free: select to hide free products (yes/no)
- show_hidden: select to show hidden products (yes/no)
Product Slider
Must Have
Shepherd’s Rod 2018
$ 6.00For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2018 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2018. Topics covered for 2018 include "Fresh Anointing", "Prepared For The…
New Song of the Bride
$ 8.00There’s a new song the Bride is singing as the Lord highlights scripture and releases the voice of the hidden remnant. Like the prophet Jeremiah, fire will burn in their bones until they release the song of the Lord. In this message Bonnie will challenge you to lift up your voice and sing a new…
Shepherd’s Rod 2011
$ 5.00For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2011 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2011. Topics covered for 2011 include "The Kingdom…
Shepherd’s Rod 2002
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2002 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2002. Topics covered for 2002 include "Send Us…
Shepherd’s Rod 2004
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2004 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2004. Topics covered for 2004 include "Psalm 104",…
Shepherd’s Rod 1999
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1999 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1999. Topics covered for 1999 include "Sowing From…
Product Tabs
- title_n: the title of n tab (i.e. title_1 = ‘Accessories’)
- per_page_n: set the number of element to show on n tab
- category_n: the category slug to show on n tab
- order_by_n: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
- order_n: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- title: title of the block
- description: description of the block
- n.items: number of review to display
- product: product of which reviews are shown
- show avatar: show image of author review
- show rating: show rating of review
- speed: speed of sliding
- time-out: time to display one review