Come See The Elephant!

Come See The Elephant!

Come See The Elephant!

By Bob and Bonnie Jones


Recently, in a dream, I (Bonnie) was told to “come see the elephant!” As I began to research this phrase I found that “seeing the elephant” is an American phrase of the mid to late 19th century. Seen throughout the United States in the Mexican-American War, the Texas Santa Fe Expedition, the American Civil War, the 1849 Gold Rush, (Oregon Trail, California Trail, Mormon Trail) the mythical elephant was an extremely popular way of expressing an overwhelming emotion.

At this time in history, people were not used to seeing exotic animals. The phrase “seeing the elephant” originated from a theater in Philadelphia in 1848. A play the theater was putting on was in need of an elephant but the few circulating circus elephants were not available and so they made a makeshift elephant and put a man inside to control the few movements the animal had to make. The audiences loved it and were extremely responsive. Unfortunately, the man they put inside was fond of his spirits, and one night he became so drunk he walked the elephant off the stage and into the music pit. The man in the elephant suit casting one look, a strange blending of drunkenness, grief, and laughter, at the scene, fled hastily out of the theatre. The audience left laughing and joking, “Have you seen the elephant?” The mixture of emotions from this single event birthed the phrase “seeing the elephant” and thus set the stage and state of mind for pioneers traveling west.

The elephant represented huge chunks of gold as pioneers headed west in search of their dreams of a new life and prosperity. It was a picture of their hope. Many people believed they saw part of the elephant while others only caught a mere glimpse of it. Some never saw the elephant, gave up hope and died along the way. Others continued to believe although they became weak and wearied from the extensive rugged travel. They continued to move forward in hope of fulfilling their dream. They put their hope in something they could only imagine in their own mind.

Come See Jesus!

I have always loved elephants but in my dream the elephant I saw looked peculiar yet I saw him altogether beautiful. I realized the elephant was Jesus and believe this is an invitation for us to come and gaze upon His face and see the beauty of our King.

He has no form or comeliness [royal, kingly pomp], that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him. (Isaiah 53:2b)

We have a much greater hope. Christ is our only Hope and our glory. The enemy is continually after our minds, trying to get us to focus our thoughts upon satisfying our five natural (or carnal) senses. In this manner, we fuel the kingdom of darkness instead of glorifying the kingdom of light.

And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. (Colossians 3:2)

It is time, this day that we decide who we will serve. (Joshua 24:15). I believe we are on the brink of the greatest outpouring of the glory of God this earth has ever experienced and we must settle our minds on things above. We must seek the higher wisdom and glory of God.

Christ is the greatest elephant God placed upon this earth. He is our vision of Hope, our confident expectation, our gold and our glory. Although we don’t see Him with our natural eyes we keep our focus upon Him in our spiritual journey. Regardless of the hopelessness of any situation we can gaze upon His beauty and follow after Him. Some of us only see a glimpse of His glory yet we do not turn back. It’s time now to come see Jesus face to face. Come see Jesus and receive His amazing grace!

This Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

In a dream Bob was shown many youth coming to him for understanding and he directed them to a large Bible on a shelf. He had them read from this Bible for themselves to receive that greater understanding. We must individually feed upon the Word for ourselves to receive a greater understanding of spiritual things and a greater salvation. We are saved by the hearing the Word of God; but now we must indulge ourselves in the reading of the word to exercise our spiritual muscles and build our own faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation, (1 Peter 2:2)

Young people are looking for an absolute and the only absolute is the Lord Jesus Christ. Youth seek answers and the answers they seek are in the written word of God. The more you grow in the logos word of God the more your spirit man matures.

In Bob’s death experience in 1975 he was told that most of the coming harvest would be youth. One billion souls would be harvested in a very short time. On that day they will begin to read the Word and gain understanding; this will be the beginning of the rest of their lives. The living word will become a part of them and become their guide. It’s time for the body of Christ to move into the mature things of the Spirit. It’s a time of great change as the five-fold ministry is being revealed.

This is The Way, Walk in it!

And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, this is the way; walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

Unlike the pioneers who headed west so many years ago seeking after a mythical elephant that gave them a hope for a prosperous future in an unexplored land, we seek after Christ our hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) We follow after the one true God led by His Holy Spirit of Truth. We never give up nor do we become weary but follow after His voice. All His answers are yes and amen to a people who will follow after Him.

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One comment

  1. i too dreamed about and elephant his eyes where spirit white and i was able to feel his love "Jesus Love" and even though he presented himself to me as an elephant without words, I was able to feel his love and smile. I was sleeping on the back of my truck when towards the end of my sleep he pulled me through the car and onto his presence.

    Amazing dream which I had a month ago and today I am reminiscing about the dream wanting to be by Jesus presence forever.


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