Did You Learn To Love?

Did You Learn To Love?


By Bonnie Jones


If you have followed Bob Jones Ministries then you are aware that Bob went home to be with the Lord on Valentine’s Day. It was the heart of the Father to send to the body of believers on the day we set aside for “love” the message the Lord gave Bob many years ago, “did you learn to love?” Indeed Bob did! He learned to love like the Father loves; unconditionally and without restraint. He learned to walk in forgiveness and not hold offense. He loved all peoples from all walks of life. Children were his greatest pleasure as was praying for the unborn.

I want to give you a short update regarding his death and the continuation of the ministry because many people have been asking these questions. I prefer to give it first hand and eliminate confusion.

Bob suffered a fractured femur January 7th and had surgery a few days later. As you may already know, he was a dialysis patient receiving treatment three times a week. Being in an already weakened condition from dialysis and then having extensive physical therapy, it became too hard on his body not giving him time to recover from dialysis treatment. One thing led to another and congestive heart failure took its toll as pneumonia set in. Bob was a brave soldier of the cross to the end. As his health continued to deteriorate, he never complained or questioned why these things were happening to him. He simply endured and fought the good fight of faith.

There were times he went through prophetic acts defeating the enemy and establishing breakthrough for the body of Christ. It was incredible to watch and partake in these prophetic battles with him. It was something he had to do before he could go home to his first love. He had opportunity to go home February 5th while in the emergency room. He saw two resurrection angels and stood at the door but chose not to enter in to heaven. He knew he had a work yet to complete. So, out of love for the Father and love for the body of Christ, for which he labored many years, he chose to endure not knowing what battles lay ahead for him.

In the days that followed he fought many battles for the body. Although his physical body was weak Bob remained strong in the spirit and fought the good fight of faith. Even in the wee hours of February 14th the enemy was after his soul. But Bob overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. The enemy was a defeated foe and Bob drifted off to his final rest in the Lord. The last few moments of his life he smiled as I read the 23rd Psalm and sang Amazing Grace. He went home to glory with a smile on his face and victory in his battle-worn heart. Yes, his heart was enlarged in the natural but I believe it was enlarged because it was filled with the love of God for the body of Christ.

Bob’s greatest message since his death experience on August 8, 1975 was “did you learn to love?” “That’s the only question the Lord will ask you when you die,” he would say. And Bob was sent back from death that day to reach the leaders of the church for the end time harvest. When you boil it all down love is the only thing that matters in life. Without love you have nothing because God is Love and we cannot exist without Him.

I count myself fortunate to be the eyewitness of the greatest display of 1 Corinthians 13 better known as the love chapter. Bob fought the good fight of faith with the hope of seeing the beginning of his promised one billion-soul harvest. Till the very end Bob endured with love in his heart and a smile on his lips.

And so faith, hope, love abide [faith—conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope—joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 Amplified)

The Lord joined Bob and I together as husband and wife eight years ago. Each day we began by taking communion together and yoking ourselves to Christ, our best friend. Our marriage was formed out of obedience to the Father and His love for the body of Christ. It has been our honor and privilege to share God’s love and the fullness of His grace wherever we ministered. Bob Jones Ministries does not end with his death. My son, Lyn Kost, and I will continue the ministry and sharing the message of love. Also we will continue to seek the Lord on Day of Atonement and produce the Shepherd’s Rod each year which is part of Bob’s legacy.

As Bob quoted many times to the saints, “my ceiling must become your floor!” It is a mandate for all of us; we must go higher. Last fall Bob said that God was taking the first tier leaders home so the second tier would advance. Bob represented the Elijah-type prophet (as he would tell me) they reached the countryside. But now is the time for the Elisha prophets to come forth and they will expand their ministry to the cities. Simply meaning the Elisha ministries will greatly increase and go worldwide. It’s now time the Elisha’s come forth!

Bob was a forerunner to the prophetic movement, paving the way for others and he took a lot of hits and curves along the path. But his love and obedience for God and his desire to do the Father’s will gave him the ability to persevere. Now it’s time for the body to pick up the baton and carry it forward never looking back.

Lyn and I will continue the ministry Bob Jones started many years ago and hope we bless you along the way. I know how important this message was to Bob because it’s the message that rings out to all mankind for all eternity “did you learn to love?” With that in mind I did an in depth interview with Bob three years ago. Last fall I began writing the book “Did You Learn to Love?”. It was to be released at the time of his fortieth anniversary of his death experience. Bob was excited to know his message of love would reach the multitudes with greater details than he was able to share in meetings.

It’s time for the greater works to begin. I charge you, as Bob would also, don’t limit God! And remember the only question the Lord will ask you at the end of your life is “Did you learn to love?”

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One comment

  1. Amen. May God honor His prophet Bobby Joe Jones on this Valentines Day.


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