From: $ 8.00In this powerful message both Bob and Bonnie share about the times that we are in and the times ahead. Taking recent extreme weather patterns and news events into context with scripture; they point out a road map of repentance, righteousness and intimacy with God. They discuss the impact of these three foundational truths on…
From: $ 8.00Bob's historic message to the church about the moral revolution needing to take place in America. Join Bob in this timely word recorded just a few weeks before Republican Scott Brown upset Democrat Jack E. Robinson for the democratically controlled senate position in Massachusets. Listen to the vision of the "Horse and the Rider under…
Season Of The Basilisk
$ 5.50Over the past several years, considerable revelation has been released to disclose the workings of evil opposition historically and currently in Israel and the Church. The Lord has identified a particular season in the Spirit in which considerable warfare is amplified. This has been known as the Season Of The Basilisk. This unique season has…
Shepherd’s Rod 1995
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1995 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1995. Topics covered for 1995 include "The Call…
Shepherd’s Rod 1996
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1996 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1996. Topics covered for 1996 include "Lack Of…
Shepherd’s Rod 1997
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1997 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1997. Topics covered for 1997 include "Psalm 97",…
Shepherd’s Rod 1998
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1998 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1998. Topics covered for 1998 include "The Coming…
Shepherd’s Rod 1999
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1999 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1999. Topics covered for 1999 include "Sowing From…
Shepherd’s Rod 2000
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2000 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2000. Topics covered for 2000 include "The Seven-fold…
Shepherd’s Rod 2001
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2001 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2001. Topics covered for 2001 include "Anointing For…
Shepherd’s Rod 2002
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2002 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2002. Topics covered for 2002 include "Send Us…
Shepherd’s Rod 2003
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2003 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2003. Topics covered for 2003 include "The Central…
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