- title: title of the block
- items: number of items per page
- category: one or more categories will be shown
- show counter: whether to show the total elements number
- autoplay: autoplay slider(yes/no)
- hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
- order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
- sorting: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- animation: animation slider
- animation delay: animation delay slider
- title: title of the block
- per page: number of items per page
- category: one or more categories will be shown
- show counter: whether to show the total elements number
- hide empty: whether to hide the block when contains no elements
- order by: sorting type (default/alphabetically/most recent/price)
- order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
Shepherd’s Rod 1996
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1996 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1996. Topics covered for 1996 include "Lack Of…
What Is Man?
From: $ 8.00Bob teaches about the six natures of man. Three exist in the natural and three in the spiritual which encompass the whole of a person. He also teaches on keeping our conscience clear before God and the levels of conscious cleanliness. Listen to these and other issues that are vitally important to our spiritual growth…
From: $ 8.00Join Bob & Bonnie as they teach on the dynamics of faith for the believer. Listen as they cover such topics as “Now Faith”, “the 100 Year Prophecy”, ‘Faith In God Vs. Faith Of God”, “The Lost Coin Revelation” and more. Inspired through the Word of God and over 40 years of prophetic ministry; increase…
Shepherd’s Rod 1995
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 1995 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 1995. Topics covered for 1995 include "The Call…
- per_page: number of items to show
- layout: select the layout of products (default/flip/zoom)
- category: whether to show all or chosen category
- show: the kind of products(all/featured/on_sale)
- order by: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
- order: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- hide_free: select to hide free products (yes/no)
- show_hidden: select to show hidden products (yes/no)
Product Slider
Must Have
Perfect Storm
From: $ 8.00Bob's word on seven upcoming storms that will come together to form the Perfect Storm. Search through the scriptures with Bob and see what the Lord says about them. Learn about the role and response of the believer during these storms. Prepare for an in depth study on a timely message.
Shepherd’s Rod 2007
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2007 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2007. Topics covered for 2007 include "This Is…
From: $ 8.00What is the remnant that we hear mentioned in scripture? Is there a deeper commitment after salvation? Is judgment just an angry God punishing the unrighteous? These are just some issues Bob and Bonnie discuss as they travel through Scriptures relating to the city of Zion in this teaching. Using Isaiah 11:11 as a foundation…
From: $ 8.00Proverbs 18:19a "An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city". This opening scripture sets the basis for Bob's message on unforgiveness and division. In a day and age where divisions, political infighting, church splits, denominational and theological disputes are rampant. Bob explores the cures of repentance, forgiveness and love as weapons…
Shepherd’s Rod 2008
$ 4.50For many years Bob Jones has received valuable revelations outlining activities of the Holy Spirit for the seasons ahead. These insights have historically proven to be accurate and strategic blueprints for spiritual emphasis and preparation. The Shepherd's Rod 2008 prophetically outlines what God is doing beginning in 2008. Topics covered for 2008 include "Breakthrough With…
From: $ 8.00Travel through the scriptures with Bonnie Jones as she introduces you to the lives of three biblical shunammite women. Look into the similarities between them and the modern day bride of Christ. Join Bonnie in this stirringly deep yet easy to comprehend study entitled "The Shunammite". Get ready for fresh insight and revelation into some…
Product Tabs
- title_n: the title of n tab (i.e. title_1 = ‘Accessories’)
- per_page_n: set the number of element to show on n tab
- category_n: the category slug to show on n tab
- order_by_n: sorting type (rand/alphabetically/most recent/price/sales)
- order_n: sorting direction (asc/desc)
- title: title of the block
- description: description of the block
- n.items: number of review to display
- product: product of which reviews are shown
- show avatar: show image of author review
- show rating: show rating of review
- speed: speed of sliding
- time-out: time to display one review