Revolution or Rebellion

Revolution or Rebellion

Revolution or Rebellion


The enemy has been sowing seeds of rebellion into the believers for the past couple of years and the tares are now blooming! It’s a time of repentance for these rebellious thoughts so that they can be removed and burned. Rebellion is like unto a mutiny aboard the leadership; nobody wins and the leadership goes down. Mutiny takes place when there’s abuse in the leadership but you still don’t want to sink the leadership; you want to change it.

But revolution is when you see the immaturity in leadership and hang in there and change it. For revolution brings change and a spirit of liberty and freedom. We need the revolution to mature the church not rebellion that destroys it! The Holy Spirit is calling people to repent and forgive. Then believe to pray and seek the lord for wisdom on how to bring the change; for there is a great change taking place right now in the church.

God loves the church and when He sees the heart that wants to change the church for the better, He’ll release the wisdom on how to bring a change in the church so the glory of God will be revealed.

Many who are on the verge of rebellion have been faithful in the church for a long time. Don’t blow it now! We are in the time of change, so hang in there and help all of us bring this new freedom; this revolution of liberty.

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