Warning! Don’t Miss The Boat

Warning! Don’t Miss The Boat

Warning! Don’t Miss The Boat


In a vision I saw a small sailboat on the glistening moonlit water at night; it was just ready to leave shore. Just as everyone was boarding, a woman ran back to take care of her unfinished business. The people cried out to her with a warning; “the boat is leaving now!” She continued on her way while the boat drifted away from shore.

Suddenly she turned around and frantically ran toward the water but it was too late. She missed the boat. The passengers had no oars and couldn’t return to shore to get her. She watched hopelessly from the shore as they drifted away into the moonlight.

Then I heard the Lord say, “Ready or not, here I come! Those who diligently seek the Lord will board this boat guided by the wind of the Holy Spirit!”

Faith is lifting our sails in this day as the Holy Spirit of Truth is leading us. No longer can we follow after agendas, patterns and formulas, we must be totally reliant on the Holy Spirit to guide us.

I believe this woman represents Christians that truly love the Lord yet they remain carnally minded. They continue using their natural senses instead of becoming spiritually minded. Therefore they still desire to feed their flesh and when the Lord calls, their desire will always be to take care of the natural business first instead of doing the will of the Father.

Testing of the Heart

There’s a testing of our hearts taking place right now and the outcome will be according to our decision. God will not violate our free will and we must live with the consequence of the choice we make. Will we follow after Him or continue on our own path according to our fleshly desires?

When Elijah found Elisha and threw his mantle on him, Elisha’s first response was to run back and kiss his parents goodbye then he would follow Elijah. (Vs. 20) Elisha was functioning in the carnal realm or natural senses. And being a good son his first response would be to honor his parents and tell them he was departing to follow after and be trained by this powerful man of God. Elisha, like the woman that missed the boat, had a choice to make. Elijah put him to the test just like we are being tested today. Will you follow after Me or follow after your own fleshly desires?

So Elijah left there and found Elisha son of Shaphat, whose plowing was being done with twelve yoke of oxen, and he drove the twelfth. Elijah crossed over to him and cast his mantle upon him. He left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said, Let me kiss my father and mother, and then I will follow you. And he [testing Elisha] said, Go on back. What have I done to you? [Settle it for yourself.] So Elisha went back from him. Then he took a yoke of oxen, slew them, boiled their flesh with the oxen’s yoke [as fuel], and gave to the people, and they ate. Then he arose, followed Elijah, and served him. (1 Kings 19:19-21 Amplified)

Elijah heard directly from God. But God was not in the wind, the earthquake or the fire. But the Lord was in the still small voice. Today God is stretching forth His hand the second time to deliver the keys of David into the hand of the righteous who have followed the Father in spirit and truth. They have forsaken all others for the work of the cross of Jesus Christ.

The Fiery Sword

We’ve come to the place in history being written that God will rewrite what man has done in his own will. God is sending forth a fiery sword out of the mouth of His true prophets in this day that will cause division. It is His division that conquers the false because truth will trump the false every time. It may not look like it at first but watch as God begins a small work and brings increase through the nations of the world. He’s coming in power in this day and we must be ready to move quickly. There is no obstacle in our life that God can’t cover or remove.

The book of Jude gives a warning about the false teachers that would creep in unnoticed for the purpose of turning God’s grace into lewdness and deny the Lord. (Vs. 4) They are dreamers that defile the flesh, reject authority and speak evil of whatever they do not know because they don’t know the person of the Word. They have never established a personal relationship with the Lord and therefore operate from the flesh. And because they lack personal relationship with God and the desire to know His will, they corrupt themselves. Therefore they fall into apostasy and cause others to stumble. (Vs. 8-10)

Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. (Jude 11)

We’re given three examples and I believe it is a progression. Man begins with hatred in his heart that leads to greed and in time as they mature in the nature of the evil one, it manifests itself in rebellion. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23) and God rejects those who partake of it.

The way of Cain: Cain had enmity in his heart. It was a deep-rooted hatred toward his brother that in time caused Cain to murder Abel. Cain’s hatred and jealousy toward Abel was greater than his love for God. He had a choice to make. He chose to satisfy his flesh instead of following after God’s heart and ruling over his fleshly desire. Cain had never established personal relationship with the Father where I believe Abel did. That is why God rejected his offering.

If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7)

The Error of Balaam for Profit:  Balaam was a soothsayer who mixed truth with false doctrine. His error was greed or covetousness because he was paid well to bring a curse upon the people of Israel. God’s anger was kindled against him when he disobeyed Him and later withstood the Angel of the Lord three times. Balaam repented and brought the word of the Lord refusing to curse Israel. (Numbers 22-23)

The Rebellion of Korah:  Korah rejected true leadership causing many to perish. He was one of the richest leaders of the Levites and a cousin of Moses and Aaron. He was jealous and felt overlooked for leadership and therefore gathered 250 leaders of the assembly to rebel against Moses and Aaron. This angered God and He separated the holy from the profane. God did a new thing (Vs. 30-32) and the earth opened up its mouth and swallowed them and their households; 250 in all. (Numbers 16)

Crossroads in Time

The body of Christ has come to a crossroads in time, a juncture on their heavenly journey in the Lord. Each one must decide for themselves which way to go. Some will want to turn back for fear of the unknown yet others will proceed in faith. It is there that God meets them head on and they will move into a new dimension in Him. Those who choose to proceed in faith must be space aviators and explore the uncharted waters of the Spirit. There is no end to this exploration because every day is a new day to time travelers and God is prepared to take all who dare to believe.

The Lord is coming for His bride without spot or wrinkle. She will be scarred from the many battle wounds she sustained but she will be worthy as she praises Him. The world has set itself on a course of self-destruction and day-by-day she lingers in her own filth. But His bride will be set aside, a glory to be witnessed as she stands out among the rest.

Don’t miss the boat. Step out in faith and follow God with a whole heart. Let Him be the Master that steers you through uncharted waters by the winds of His Holy Spirit of Truth and witness the new dimensions in Him. Just dare to believe!

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