Alpha Generation

Alpha Generation


The Alpha Generation

By Bonnie Jones

August 2019

The Vision

On July 20, 2019 I had a vision where I saw how children overcame autism and became successful without any fear. They were all in a beautiful crystal clear river and each one became extraordinary swimmers. In fact it appeared as though they were swimming on top of the water. I believe God is saying, “The more spiritual children become, the less affect this disorder will have on them. As they begin to swim in the River of the Holy Spirit they will overcome this disorder.”

Sea of Glass

Before the throne there
 was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. (Revelation 4:6)

I believe this was a vision of the end-time generation of children before the throne of God as John described in Revelation 4:6. These children were swimming in the sea of glass that stands before God’s throne. It symbolizes the Lord’s holiness and purity. This sea is like crystal and it is also mingled with fire (Revelation 15:2). I believe society unknowingly came into agreement with God’s divine order when they labeled them Generation Alpha and/or Generation Glass. As it was in the Beginning with God, so will it be again. They shall dwell in His presence and know no fear. They will be pure vessels of love, hope, faith, demonstration of power and holy fire will burn in their bones.

Bob’s Revelation of Ezekiel 1

Over the years Bob Jones received revelation regarding the four creatures in Ezekiel 1. I’m going to insert Bob’s message from the 2012 Shepherd’s Rod for greater understanding.

This is the Year of the Man

2012 is the year of the MAN. If you study the first chapter of Ezekiel, you’ll see there are four creatures; the ox, eagle, lion and man. They each have the face of the man and he is the only one moving. This year the man walks forward in conjunction with the Holy Spirit.


And they went every one straight forward; wherever the spirit would go, they went, and they turned not when they went. (Ezekiel 1:12)


To recap the past three years prophetically; things began to really shake in this nation in 2009 and I saw that it was the year of the OX. It was one of the hardest years that people in the church would go through. The ox plowed all year long over burned out ground not knowing why and it was drudgery. 2009 was a very hard time!


2010 was the year of the EAGLE! It was the year that the eagle returned to the Son; it was a new beginning. The eagle learned how to escape its enemies that year by turning to God. We didn’t have an understanding why the ox in 2009 had not plowed fallow ground or ground that had produced in the past. The ox was plowing new ground that had never been used before. The plowed ground had new energy and would last for centuries. This new ground that he was plowing was evangelism and it began with the labor of the ox.


The eagle came forth and sowed the seed. If the eagle sowed the seeds in unplowed ground they wouldn’t come up. The eagle had all the seeds it needed to sow in the plowed ground to begin the harvest. It was a time of the changing of the eagles. They sowed the seed to the church that went into all humanity. Much of that seed went into the youth that were being saved. This was the beginning of the harvesters preparing to come forth in the following year.


2011 was the year of the LION and things came into order and power. The lion possessed great authority and I believe we began to see a recovery of the eagle bringing fresh revelation to the church. He ruled as king with authority over powers, principalities, thrones and dominions. The lion refused to be distracted by the enemy as he made strides for the kingdom.  The lioness was bold and courageous as she moved into her rightful position beside her mate. The enemy did not intimidate her and by the Spirit she led her young. These young ones will become the harvesters that will rule with the authority of the Lion from the tribe of Judah.


In 2012 the man will be sent to the nations. He’ll go forth in the nature of the ox being the servant and the sacrifice. The man will also move in the nature of the eagle having the prophetic vision, the seed, the motivation and the direction. He’ll also move in the authority of the lion with great signs and wonders, especially power evangelism beyond anything we’ve ever seen before. This man will be moving with all these natures and take them to the entire world.


Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations as Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth as Your possession. (Psalm 2:8) 

(End of Bob’s message from 2012 Shepherd’s Rod)

Generation Alpha/Glass

According to the New York Times, 
it just made sense, as it is in keeping with scientific nomenclature of using the Greek alphabet in lieu of the Latin. It didn’t make sense to go back to A. After all, they are the first generation wholly born in the 21st century, and so they are the start of something new, not a return to the old.

Is it jumping the gun to try to define a group of people who are barely past the age of watching ‘Barney & Friends’?

Generation Alpha is part of an unintentional global experiment where screens are placed in front of them from the youngest age as pacifiers, entertainers and educational aids. They began being born in 2010, the year the iPad was introduced, Instagram was created and “app” was the word of the year, so they have been raised as “screen-agers” to a greater extent than the fixed screens of the past could facilitate. For this reason we also call them Generation Glass. (End of NYT article)


Why Autistic Children?

Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact
. It is often characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. Severe impairment restricts the child from verbalizing that in turn can result in fits or anger, depression and feeling rejected. Statistics report that 1 in 59 of American children are on the Autism Spectrum Disorder scale whereas in the year 2000 the report was 1 in 151. It’s my opinion autism is an epidemic.


In the vision I believe the Lord used children with this disorder as an example to make a statement regarding all children of this end-time generation. And He’s giving us the key to their success. They are more than conquerors. No matter what disorder, disease or infirmity comes against them, they will overcome it by staying in the river of God. But we must be their good stewards. Because of their age and perhaps the inability to communicate, we must teach them according to the Spirit of God.

Any type of disease or disorder can bring confusion into the family circle and we tend to address these issues in the natural first. This is NOT natural, it is spiritual and we must approach it that way. The Alpha’s must become Olympians for Christ. Parents, grandparents and everyone who loves them must partake in teaching them how to swim in the river of God. They must become deep-sea divers for Jesus. If adults don’t take hold of this now we are going to lose the battle and the Alpha generation will be lorded over to the enemy by default. We must become advocates for these children. Proverbs 31 tells us to open our mouth for those who cannot speak. We must speak to them with love and speak for them with authority against the works of darkness attacking them.

Open your mouth for the dumb [those unable to speak for themselves], for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenseless; open your mouth, judge righteously, and administer justice for the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9 Amplified)

They Will Never Taste Death

There is no mistake man is labeling this generation Alpha! It’s like Bob said in 2012, “There is a generation coming, in fact, they are alive today that will never taste death. They will be here when the Lord returns.” I believe this generation is the Melchizedek priesthood or the priesthood of perfection being birthed from the womb of the anointing. Every previous generation has prepared the way for the Alpha’s. The Father has reserved His very best for last and this has the enemy frightened.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,
 the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)


The Alpha generation will overcome adversity and dwell in the presence of God. They will understand the four creatures or four spirits of Ezekiel 1. Prior generations fought spiritual battles and warred through intercession to prepare their way.  Now they are able to walk straight forward without distraction. They are in total communion with the Holy Spirit and only goes where He leads.

Some Interesting Facts

On the day of my vision, July 20, 2019 marked the 50thanniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Three American astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin made history by being the first humans to land on the moon in the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle. At 4:18 p.m. Neil Armstrong radioed to Mission Control, “The Eagle has landed!” Armstrong and Aldrin spent twenty-one hours on the moon’s surface collecting material while Collins flew the command module Columbia alone in lunar orbit. After being sent to the moon by the Saturn V’s third stage, the astronauts separated the spacecraft from it and traveled for three days until they entered lunar orbit. Armstrong and Aldrin then moved into Eagle and the three astronauts landed in the Sea of Tranquility. They returned to Earth and splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on July 24 after more than eight days in space.

The Lion King

Disney’s Lion King was released July 17th this year. It’s been 25 years since the animated version was released in theatres. This movie relates to the Christian life and battle for domination. Pride versus love is at the heart of it all. The lion king is killed and his crafty, jealous and deceitful brother lures the rightful king, the little lion cub Simba, away from the pride and believes him to be dead. While the evil brother rules the pride, the little cub matures and eventually returns to take back what is rightfully his. The kingdom!

What am I saying? There is no mistake these two things come within days of each other. Love will always prevail over pride and Christians are arising to take back their rightful place and reclaim the kingdom.

In the natural the Eagle landed on the moon, which represents the church. However in the spirit, the Eagle represents Christians, the prophets (or prophetic) and they have returned to the Son. It’s a new beginning. The lion brings things into order and power. He rules as king with authority over powers, principalities, thrones and dominions and refuses to be distracted by the enemy. The Alpha/Glass Generation will swim in the sea of glass. They will follow the Holy Spirit and disarm the enemy at every turn. They are the warriors yet peacemakers we’ve all been waiting for.

In 1969 the Eagle landed in the Sea of Tranquility on the surface of the moon. This speaks volumes to me. The things of the world will not distract the Alpha Generation. No they will remain tranquil, peaceful and calm. They will rest in the presence of God and fear no evil. Nothing takes God by surprise. What the enemy meant for evil God is using for His divine purpose.

And he showed me 
a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. (Revelation 22:1)


God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Therefore the Alpha Generation will swim in the river of water of life flowing from the throne of God. As it was in the beginning in Genesis 2, the river, which flows from Eden and waters the garden, then splits into four branches to reach the whole earth – all the way to Revelation 22. And the Alpha Generation will bring healing to the nations.

Awakening To Awareness

Recently in a trance, I saw the front page of a newspaper.  Across the top section of the paper the headlines read “NEW IDENTITY”.  This was written in bold six-inch gold letters overlaying a red background. There were several subtitles listed below however I was only allowed to read the first one. It said, “AWAKENING TO AWARENESS”.

The Breakthrough Angel To Harvest America

At 1:03 a.m.  August 14th, in the quiet of the night I heard the Lord begin to speak. Immediately I reached for pen and paper to write down every word. I never want to waste these opportunities when He speaks in the night season. “Weep oh widow of Zion, Whose children cry out loud. Sing praises today from Zion, Her amber waves of grain shall rain. Amen.”

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One comment

  1. Dear Bonnie Jones,
    Thank you so VERY, VERY MUCH for sharing your Prophetic Visions, and what God is Downloading into your spirit. And your Holy Spirit inspired interpretation!

    I can continue in BOLDNESS, AUTHORITY, COURAGE, FAITH, AND MORE IN JESUS CHRIST calling down Miracles, Signs and Wonders from Heaven onto earth!!!!


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