Beware! The Snake Is Coming!

Beware! The Snake Is Coming!


Beware! The Snake is Coming!

By Bonnie Jones

November 2019

The Vision

The Lord showed me a beautiful iridescent blue snake slithering through the grass. And like the Pac-Man of old he swallowed up people along the way. And as he did his belly got bigger and bigger. Then suddenly the Lord came and struck him with the sword of Truth decapitating this ancient serpent. Then He sliced open the serpent’s belly. Along with blood and guts, people he had swallowed oozed out of his belly. Jailbreak, jailbreak! Praise erupted in the spirit as many rejoiced at the mercy of God. But to my surprise, some were still clinging to the slime in the belly of the snake.

Then the Lord began to speak to me saying,

“The snake is coming, slithering through the grass seeking those who he can devour. He’s looking for those who are not dedicated in heart and soul. 

Out of the heart the mouth speaks and those who are aligned with him he will devour in this day. He’s like a train that gets bigger and bigger as he adds more to his belly.

But the Lord is merciful. He’s coming with a sword of justice to cut off the head of the snake so he can devour no more. He’s cutting open his belly and releasing the captives from his stronghold. (See Isaiah 27:1 below)

Now the captives have a choice to make. They either serve God or serve the devil. Which way will they go? Some will be swallowed up in the slime of his belly and remain in the trap and snare of the world. But many will rejoice in the light of God’s mercy and grab hold of the train of His glory.

This snake is cunning yet beautiful but altogether deceptive. You must be aware of his antics. He’s clever, sly and speaks soft, gentle, sweet and believable words. He’s altogether vainglorious, self-centered and full of lies. He’s charming and enticing. But there is no truth in him.

Yes that old dragon, the devil, still slithers this day so beware that you don’t get entrapped. He’s coming your way.”

Note: I believe the sea mentioned in this passage of scripture  below represents the sea of restless humanity.

In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; and He will slay the reptile that is in the sea. (Isaiah 27:1 NKJV) 

I believe this to be a true vision and word from the Lord. No one is exempt from the devil’s temptations and persuasive nature. At first glance and because of his beauty you might be inclined to pet him. And that would be your first mistake. His blue color indicates he has revelation gifts and will use them to entice his prey. That’s why it’s absolutely vital for the body of Christ to be grounded and rooted in the Word of God. And it’s even more necessary to maintain an intimate relationship with Jesus. It’s a significant time in the church right now and if we’re not careful even the elect will be deceived. The enemy knows his time is short.

For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones). (Matthew 24:24 AMPC)

World Champions Prophecy

A couple of weeks ago I was in a high level trance, one of the highest ones that I have known since last year. The Lord came and took me to a field and it had been covered with snow for two years. We waded out onto this field and He told me to uncover a place where He pointed. So I began to rake the snow away from the place that He said. And I saw that it was a baseball plate.

Beware! The Snake Is Coming!

The Lord showed me a beautiful iridescent blue snake slithering through the grass. And like the Pac-Man of old he swallowed up people along the way. And as he did his belly got bigger and bigger.



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