
Midwifes & The Bride’s On-Time Delivery




Midwifes & The Bride’s On-Time Delivery

By Bob & Bonnie Jones

July 2021

Recently I had the great opportunity to minister in the Pacific Northwest. Although this region tends to be very liberal God is pouring out His Spirit in an extraordinary measure brought about through repentance and humility. There seems to be an unprecedented measure of God’s love, mercy and grace flowing throughout much of the body there. 
Several leaders in different places gave me the same word. They each called me a midwife and felt the Lord sent me to there to birth a new movement in their region. Ironically the Lord had me study about the wells of Abraham and how they were stopped up yet through repentance new wells were dug and there was no hindrance. I remembered Bob had a word several years ago about the “Midwifes” and how through intercession they would birth the next movement. Therefore I want to share Bob’s visions and word (as it was posted on our website) from November 2012. Afterwards I’ll offer a closing remark.


By Bob Jones



Women are called to midwife this movement in the body of Christ and they will do it through intercession. Midwifes are typically women who offer care to childbearing women during pregnancy, labor and birth. They offer support, care and advice for the mother and family.


Recently I heard the Lord say “I’m stirring the waters of intercession over this body to bring forth new life and life in abundance and I will pour out My Spirit on those who walk in obedience to My word. Let no man say I am weak for where two or more are gathered lo I am with you.” (Matthew 18:20)
Women are going to come together as midwifes in intercession and will travail till this birth takes place. The church has been pregnant too long and her labor has been difficult but the baby’s head is crowning now and about to emerge into the glorious light of the Lord.
These midwifes will deliver the children of promise. These children are the Isaac’s coming forth and they’re coming to receive their long awaited birthright! All the blessings God gave Abraham were also given to his descendants. Isaac is the natural son of promise and we are Abraham’s descendants according to faith (Hebrews 11:12) What is Isaac’s birthright? They are the blessings of Abraham’s well at Beersheba.


I was shown that it was going to be a brutal winter; lots of snow and tremendous wind. The church was being served a 32 oz. beer in a frosted mug. They could drink it or not! It was their choice! They had two hours to drink it or not! After that time, it would evaporate.
I believe this brutal winter with lots of snow and tremendous wind speaks of the next couple months. It will be a time of great change and great confusion in the world especially America. However for the committed Christian it will be a powerful time in the Holy Spirit.
This 32 oz. beer speaks of two things; Psalm 32 and Beersheba. Beersheba means a deep well or well of the oath. There are two things being offered to the church now; a greater depth in the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit and the promises of God.
I believe the two hours could represent a two year grace period God is extending to the church for prayer and intercession to midwife this birth. After that time, it will be like the frost on the mug and evaporate or disappear.
Beersheba is the well of the oath and its Isaac’s birthright. It’s the same birthright offered to the children of promise today! Isaac was the natural son of promise and we, by faith, are the spiritual children of promise according to Romans 4:18.


In Genesis 26:1, Isaac began a journey to Egypt because of a famine in the land however the Lord appeared to him and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you.” In obedience, Isaac and Rebekah returned to the land of Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines, where Abraham had dug three wells. Over a period of time, the Philistines had stopped them up with earth which represents the demonic realm and earthly desires.
Isaac’s herdsmen began to re-dig these three wells calling them by the same name Abraham gave them. The herdsmen of Gerar and Isaac’s herdsmen quarreled over the wells claiming the water was theirs. (Genesis 26:18) In the same way today the body of Christ has quarreled among themselves. Leaders were not willing to cross-pollinate and walk in love; they chose to walk in pride. Their sheep felt threatened and lived in fear instead of faith. The sheep literally feared man more than having the reverential fear and awe of God.


First well – Esek means strife and contention; because it made others jealous. The Philistine herdsmen quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen over the well.
Second well – Sitnah means accusation and hostility because the herdsmen quarreled to a greater extent to no avail.
Third well – Rehoboth means broad places and running water. This well was dug by Isaac’s servants alone and they did not quarrel. They got a revelation of working together for a greater purpose. I believe they tapped into the promises God made Abraham and in the same way we can tap into them today.
And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, “For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.” Then he went up from there to Beersheba. And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham; do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham’s sake. ”So he built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord, and he pitched his tent there; and there Isaac’s servants dug a well. (Genesis 26:22-25)


This place was called Beersheba because it was the well of the oath; it was where covenant was made. At Beersheba three important encounters took place between God and man. Here God appeared to Hagar (Genesis 21:17) Isaac (Genesis 26:23-33) and Jacob (Genesis 46:1-5).
Abimelech recognized the favor of God on Isaac’s life. Therefore Abimelech wanted to make a covenant or oath with Isaac so that Isaac would not do them harm. When we are in covenant with God even our enemies will recognize His blessings and they will fear our God.
Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. (Genesis 22:17)
The first two wells remained the same; born out of a spirit of jealousy, strife and accusation and they could not change. I believe these two wells represent two previous wells of revival that got polluted by works of man. There were mighty moves of God with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit but after a while, man wanted to own it and plugged up the well with human reasoning. Man’s fleshly desire will always stop a move of God. The power of the Holy Spirit cannot be manufactured or manipulated. It can however be imitated and mocked; when this happens, the Holy Spirit departs and the wells are left dry and polluted by human waste.
A greater maturity was required of Isaac’s herdsmen and a working together among the brethren. In the same way I believe the body of Christ must come together in unity in order to receive its spiritual inheritance. The church has had opportunity to advance but because of striving, contention, inability to reason with one another and most importantly allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, the church remained in bondage to man.
Now in this season midwifes are birthing the Isaac generation. There will be a unity like the church has not experienced in past generations. There cannot be striving and accusation. Instead there will be agreement with the Father conceived in love.



The church that has repented and is clean before the Lord is blessed because the blood of Jesus covers it. The church whose spirit has been renewed (Psalm 51) is a people of no guile like Nathaniel and God imputes His righteousness to them. Righteousness is conforming to His thoughts, purpose and action (Romans 4:7-8) and God finds no fault in this church. (Psalm 32:1-2)
The Church must be continually before the Lord in prayer and intercession allowing the Holy Spirit to pour water on the tares of its soul. Each time God reveals a need for repentance; the church must repent with a whole heart. Then God considers them blessed!


PSALM 32:6-11

This is where the CHURCH is headed in this two year season! As the church prays their message will be heard through intercession. The promise is: the trials will not overflow the church that is committed to God through intercession. He will raise up a standard against the enemy. (Isaiah 59:19) The standard is Jesus Christ; the anointed One. (6-7)Their praise and worship will bring deliverance for the body. By making a full commitment to God, the church will be led by the Holy Spirit of God. (8)
God will speak to those who have understanding. The 200 sons of Issachar had understanding of the times and knew what Israel should do. Mature sons and daughters have learned how to bridle their tongues. (9)The wicked will know the woes of God but the righteous shall know His mercy and loving-kindness. (10)The righteous shall rejoice and be glad in the Lord. (11)


It’s time to embrace the promise God is extending to the church. It’s our job to offer the invitation. It’s up to the church to embrace it. The church has a choice to make now; to receive the prayer warriors or reject them. The prayer warriors that are coming along now are women. If the church sets the women down this time they become second-class citizens again. If this happens, then that church leadership will be set down also.
A general that goes into battle without the troops behind him is a general that will die. A general is called to lead but he needs to lead the whole body. Intercessors are prayer warriors and most of them are women. It’s going to take both men and women to be warriors. They are the ones who will take the high ground. The time to embrace this is now and the choice is extended to the church. The church that embraces the women and allows them to come forth is the church that will prosper and it will grow in number.


There’s been a full frontal attack against women but it’s coming to an end. Midwifes are travailing now and birthing this next generation. Let’s embrace the midwife’s and this move of God in His Church. Let’s join with the intercessors and cover them and allow the women to birth the Isaac generation.
Let’s be like the two Hebrew Midwifes at the time Moses was born. They feared God not the king of Egypt. They told the king that the Hebrew women delivered their babies before the midwife arrived therefore the baby boys lived. God dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and became very strong. (Exodus 1:17-24)
This isn’t about women it’s about a move of God and His releasing power and authority to a body of believers. Women are natural child bearers; they birth babies every day. When intercessors come together in unity without striving and jockeying for position, powerful revelation takes place. Think of the power released when intercessors enter into the presence of God and experience “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Let us be a people who are willing to put our ambitions aside and be kingdom minded. We can’t allow the dirt of the past to fill our wells and prevent us from working together. Let’s repent for our striving and accusation against our brothers and sisters in Christ and begin working with one another in unity; in spirit and truth. By doing so we can re-dig Beersheba; the well of the oath from where the blessings flow. Let’s do this together! The church can accept it or not!
(End of message by Bob Jones)


Commentary by Bonnie Jones


I believe we’re in the time of “Awakening” to the promises of God and we must be prepared to embrace them. Men and women alike have been interceding for the birthing of this movement. However I believe that over many years while women were basically silenced in the church at large, God was tenderly birthing His unconditional love through them to prepare them for such a time as this. After all God created Eve to be Adam’s helpmate (Genesis 2:18) and I believe this portrays God’s overall plan for the church.
Women can better understand the tender heart of God that’s developed through the natural birthing process. Unfortunately man cannot experience the complexity of pregnancy and childbearing. Morning sickness, weight gain, swollen feet, food cravings, flutters, kicking and over all being uncomfortable. It is in that nine-month duration that women become mothers. But oh the joy when the child is born, the discomfort of her pregnancy is but a blur. (John 16:21)
Midwifes are coming to the forefront of ministry as women come out of their hiddenness in Christ. Although in the natural it appears that man has set them down, I believe this was God’s plan. Only a woman can understand the complexity of pregnancy and birthing therefore they had to remain hidden in Him until a fullness of time juncture. Then He could bring them forth and into the light so His light would shine through them. These midwifes will stand with the “Bride” to strengthen and encourage her. 


And the baby she births will be full term. This movement will not be aborted! The Bride of Christ won’t not miscarriage nor will she birth premature. This is an “ON-TIME DELIVERY!” And God’s hand is upon His handmaidens to help the birthing process. The lionesses are about to roar and when they do mankind will hear the breathe of God speaking through them. And there will be no mistake it is God. After all a lioness is still a lion and she’s bringing forth a roar from the Lion of the tribe of Judah. 


So get ready for midwifes to be a big part of this end-time movement and great awakening. It cannot happen without them. This is a clarion call to women everywhere to come out of hiddenness and into His glorious light. Stay in His presence and remain humble. Speak with the authority and revelation God gives you. Don’t let jealousy and strife enter your heart. Covet only the presence of God and His tender love and mercy. Then release His truth by the Spirit of God.
Get ready for midwifes to deliver the children of promise. Get ready to see them come forth to receive their long awaited birthright! Get ready for Abraham’s descendants to inherit the promises of “Yes and Amen” as they drink from the well of Beersheba!

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  1. Exactly! God is so good! I am ready!

    Truthfully, I’ve been feeling pregnant lately even though I’m not and even just last night I was asking God what was going on. Today, feeling especially close to giving birth and then I received your email. Even though these are physical symptoms, this all ties into and significantly expands information in regard to what He’s been showing me in the Spirit and what I’ve been experiencing. I can’t be the only one. How many hundreds if not thousands are experiencing it as well?!

    I need to go watch your last few YouTube videos that are linked in the email and appear related to this information as I just read this for the first time. Bob’s vision and word as well as your commentary are so helpful and poignant for this time. I am so excited!

  2. I saw Bob Jones at a seminar near Houston in 2003. At that conference I was prophesied over about having a son, (I had been married and trying to get pregnant for 2 years, with previous female issues and surgeries). I had mentally chosen my son’s name-to-be at that conference in the middle of a teaching, based off one of David’s son’s name Chileab (like His Father). In the middle of the sermon, my thoughts were heard by Him, and the speaker called me out and prophesied over me. I found out I was pregnant several months later after a major car accident. He sustained us through it all. We went through extreme trials during pregnancy, including his premature birth at 27 weeks of pregnancy. I was dilated to a 7 by 20 weeks and immediately hospitalized, not even able to sit up or get out of bed to use the restroom for 7 weeks. At 3 months premature, he weighed 2 lbs and we were in the hospital for almost half a year when counting his NICU stay. It was a trial that without the pre-existing promise from the Word of God, I would’ve never gotten through. My son is now 18 years old, praise Jehovah Jireh! I recently stumbled upon your website and have read several of your words from the Lord. I was born in August 1981, and MANY of my dreams are aligning, testifying, and confirming the many words you are speaking of here. I’ve recently dreamt I was a doula, and later (in another dream) that I was pregnant, beyond possibility. I’ve had severe female issues my entire life and recently had a hysterectomy. In my dream, it was 2022 and the doctor who performed my hysterectomy told me I was pregnant beyond all odds. I think this is aligning spiritually with your revelation above. I’m so grateful for this confirmation. I’ve recently heard the loudest revelation from Jehovah regarding “measure for measure,” and the 2-yrs grace period from your previous word also aligned with this Word. Thank you so much for documenting this and most importantly, being His servant. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I “stumbled” upon your website.


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