Watch and Pray, Keep Enemy at Bay

Watch and Pray, Keep Enemy at Bay


Watch and Pray

Keep Enemy at Bay

By Bonnie Jones

April 2023


Different Ways I Hear From God

There are many ways in which the Lord speaks. I’m going to mention several different ways He speaks to me. Many times, it’s through prophetic dreams or visions. Oftentimes He will use several dreams to drive its importance home. When that happens, I always know it’s a vital message He’s wanting to convey either personally and/or corporately.

Oftentimes there is a knowing that comes from the experience. Many times, in a dream or experience the Lord asks me a question. And many times, He gives me the answer to that question either in a word phrase, a Scripture or through another dream. I guess you could say it’s an understanding that comes without thought because you clearly know the meaning. The Lord basically drops it into your spirit.

There are times the Lord sends an angel with a message. When this happens, I know it’s important to the Father to follow their instruction. Sometimes the message is to heed a warning or move forward with a decision. It could also be a private message for a particular church body. There are times they speak and other times they point or nod their head to direct me to a certain location, subject, or object. Sometimes they appear in dreams or visions to relay messages.

There are also times the Lord sends a member of the great cloud of witnesses to deliver a message. They come by permission of the Father, not at their own will. These are usually one whom I love and trust. However, I’ve had visitations from past presidents, world political leaders, and well-known evangelists such as George Whitefield, John and Charles Wesley and Billy Graham. There have been visitations by several Bible figures as well as well as the Ancient of Days. The Father chooses who He needs to convey a message for His purpose. And let me add, these visitations are by His will, it is nothing I do or say to make it happen. That would be witchcraft! It is His choice of time, sending whom He chooses to deliver the necessary message. I’m just simply available to receive it. The Lord has also come many times to deliver a message. Of course, visitations by the Lord are my most precious and memorable.

There is also what I call the hearing of the ear. Simply said, I hear or overhear what is being said in the spirit realm. It simply drops into my spirit. Often this happens when I’m awake. However, many times when I’m sleeping, what I hear in the spirit awakens me because it is always profound! I feel it’s important to the Lord and that’s why He has allowed me to hear it. Sometimes it’s personal yet most often it’s for the body of Christ.

And lastly let me mention “the handwriting.” At times the Lord allows me to see an ancient hand with a long boney index finger extended as it writes in mid-air. The message is profound, and I know to take heed! It reminds me of Daniel chapter 5 with the handwriting on the wall. I’ve also seen the same ancient finger flipping through pages of a very large dusty ancient book. Suddenly it stops on a page and moving very slowly points to a time piece (message) reserved for this time in human history.  


Experience – The Roaring Lion

I recently received two important messages through an experience and a dream. They came within minutes of each other, and I believe their message compliments and completes the other.

First I heard, “Look! What do you see?” I saw a big beautiful male lion walking slowly throughout a house, examining everything in his sight. Then I heard, “The enemy is looking over all that you’ve got to see what he can take next.” Then came the knowing – We must watch and pray and keep him at bay.

Then came the understanding. The enemy gained access through the loss of a family member, through sadness, etc. Then he looked over all the possessions and roared like a lion to create fear. The message is – We must watch and pray!

1 Peter 5:8 tells us that Satan roams around like a lion seeking who he may devour. But it also tells us that we need to remain steadfast in our mind, balanced and to be cautious, using discernment. This is how the enemy gains access because we let our guard down especially through our emotions. The death of a family member can lead to grief, distress, disappointment, depression, fear, and anxiety. The devil is always looking for an access point so he can gain entry into our life.

Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. (1 Peter 5:8 Amplified)

Any crack in our armor is an access point for the devil to bring fear. In Ephesians 6 Paul tells us to wear the full armor of God which includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. But in verse 16 Paul says that above all, take the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. You see if our shield of faith is down, the enemy gains access and instills fear. Then we basically give him permission to examine everything we have and take possession of it. He probably won’t take it all at once however he will chisel away until there is nothing left. 

1 Peter 5:9 tells us how to keep him from gaining access.  Withstand him; be firm in your faith[against his onset—rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world. Christians must first submit to God – everything including their thoughts, then resist the devil – and he will flee. (James 4:7) I think people become self-focused and put themselves on the throne in their mind instead of Christ. When this happens, we lose heaven’s perspective and Satan knows it. Of course he is prompting our thoughts in a time of weakness. We can never let our faith take a vacation. We must stand firm!


Blind Faith Dream

In this dream I was driving a semi but couldn’t see the road. The windshield was blocked or covered except for and small opening around the windshield’s edge. It was as if I was driving blindfolded. However, the knowing I received is this: Faith will get you there!


It’s Our Choice – Faith or Fear!

We have a choice to make, do we choose faith or fear? Fear opens the door to doubt and unbelief. Doubting God and what He has done for you and in you. Doubting yourself and who God has called you to be; loving, kind, courageous, full of grace, mercy, power and might! A mighty warrior for His Kingdom and a defender of the gospel!

Do we fall prey to the wiles of the enemy and agree with him that we are worthless nobody’s and have no power over him? Do we allow him to walk all over us and steal everything we have? Or do we rise up against our defeated foe? We are more than conquerors! (Romans 8:37) Christ defeated Satan at the cross. It is finished!

I believe both these dreams are saying the same thing. For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) We must trust in the Lord with all our heart leaning not on our own understanding. When the enemy comes against us we must tell him to get behind us in the name of Jesus! (Matthew 16:23)


We Must Watch and Pray

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus said, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41) This word is vital for us today as disciples of Christ. I’m afraid much of the church has fallen asleep and many Christians are basically playing “Sleeping Beauty”. They are waiting for their Prince to come and kiss them to awaken them from slumber. All the while the Lord is urging His Bride to watch and pray. This is not a fairy tale – it’s kingdom power and authority. You could say the handwriting is on the wall. His bride must be a warrior armed and equipped to defend His cross at any cost. If she stays awake on her post she will not enter into temptation. She will overcome the flesh and walk by faith in Christ. She will arise and shine!

God is watching over His word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) What is the word He has given you? He wants to perform it today. Don’t let the enemy take it from you. Everything you have God has given to you and Jesus already paid the price for it. Do not, and I repeat, do not give it to the enemy! Walk by faith – not by sight! Watch and pray and keep the enemy at bay!

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” (Jeremiah 1:12)

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